Gamcha- The Humblest Piece Of Clothe’s Fashionable Transformation(or so they say)

Gamcha, the indian version of towel or bath linen is the cheapest or  humblest piece of clothe you will get in the subcontinent. A working population’s multipurpose fabric used from carrying dry food, scarf and more.

In my JNU days I first got introduced to the fascination beauty called Assamese Gamcha, they are nothing like what we get in west bengal , they are pristine white with beautiful hand embroidery,  and often worn and presented with immense respect as scarfs. But this is not the story of Assamese ones, this is about the humble west bengal woven ones. Gamcha as a fabric saw a major spot under eco-fashion limelight in last few years in Bangladesh , but the craze just about catching up in India.

In kolkata the hand-loom lover population is increasingly getting fond of fabrics with gamcha like checks or weaves, and when I was visiting Shantiniketan few months back I met an amazing artist who makes lovely indo-westen dresses from hand spun fabric in the Gamcha motif, got am amazing wraparound and shrug from her, but each time I try to wear these my family thinks am getting bat shit crazy(or more crazy than usual), wrapping a bath towel as skirt. But it is beautiful, see for yourself


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After this major tragedy I decided to give my fashion experiment with gamcha a break, but the Universe had other plans, in few days she (I mean the Universe) sent my way a notebook with gamcha cover. The stationary maniac me could not refuse that bait and along the way discovered few facebook shops selling products made from gamcha.

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Also in their collection are amazing woven jewelries and last but not the least scarfs.

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It is really really fascinating to see how an artist can transform the most mundane things , and also fascinating to see my self restrain that I am not buying all of these together.

PS: I wish it was a sponsored post, jokes apart had to tell everyone about these beauties. Every snaps is taken by me of the products which I own.




8 thoughts on “Gamcha- The Humblest Piece Of Clothe’s Fashionable Transformation(or so they say)

  1. Hey.
    Can I get the name and the address of this artist mentioned in your article….I am doing my thesis on the gamcha fabric and I ll be traveling to shantiniketan for the same so it would be a great help if I can interview this artist to add up to the documentation…😇
    P.s tour article was really helpful to me since there is hardly any piece of knowledge available on the net about this fabric😁


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